Panel discussion und Finissage on October 6th at 4pm

On Friday 6.10.2023 the exhibition RESIDENZPFLICHT I-X at Schloss Biesdorf will end.

We cordially invite you to the panel discussion at 4 pm with Sebastian Acker (Artist in Residence RESIDENZPFLICHT), Mehran Behrouzfaghani (journalist, former resident of a modular housing for refugees), Kati Gausmann (msk7), Benno Hinkes (Berlin Artists Connected), Ricarda Mieth (msk7), Britta Schubert (Büro für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum).
Moderation: Stefka Ammon

The exhibition brings together the works of the artists:in residence who lived and worked consecutively in 10 newly built Modular Refugee Accommodations (MUF) in Berlin in 2019 and 2022.
The invited artists were each housed for 4 weeks in a mobile residential studio that changed location with each residency and was centrally located in each of the 10 shelters for refugees. The goal of RESIDENZPFLICHT was to temporarily open up the self-contained shelters for approaches and developments of contemporary art.

Before the panel discussion, there will be a guided tour of the exhibition at 2 pm.

Schloss Biesdorf
Heino-Schmieden-Saal, 1. OG
Alt-Biesdorf 55
12683 Berlin

Public transportation:
S-Bhf Biesdorf or U-Bhf Elsterwerdaer Platz

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